Community Insurance Grant 2024/25

This is a preview of the Community Insurance Grant 2024/25 - Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Community Insurance Grant


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The City of Perth is home to several not-for profit neighbourhood groups who are active in their respective precincts. The groups play a vital role in contributing to the City's community and economy through various activities and initiatives.

Through the Community Insurance Grant program, the City supports not-for-profit neighbourhood groups by reimbursing insurance policy premiums, allowing the affordability of insurance and providing peace of mind for neighbourhood group members, volunteers and participants.

The Community Insurance Grant program accepts applications for the following types of insurance policies:

  • Public and Product Liability;
  • Volunteer Personal Accident; and
  • Association Liability.

Funding Available

Total funding per eligible neighbourhood group is limited to a maximum of $5,000 per annum.

Key Dates

Applications Open 1 July 2024
Applications Close 15 May 2025

Applications for the Community Insurance Grant program can be submitted at any time, however decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis in line with budget and strategic priorities.

This grant operates as exhaustive funding, and the City reserves the right to close the program once the available budget has been expended.

Documentation Required

Applicants will need to supply the following documentation:

  • A copy of your Certificate of Incorporation as a not-for-profit association.
  • A copy of your constitution that clearly outlines the core function/purpose of the association.
  • Evidence of previous insurance cover for a minimum of 12 months. E.g. previous insurance policy.
  • Two quotes for each insurance policy to be provided from a reputable (APRA regulated issuer/ intermediary that is listed within the National Insurance Brokers Association) insurance provider;
  • Evidence of an annual or on-going program of activity which seeks to engage residents and ratepayers. E.g. Calendar of events.