Residential Energy Upgrade Grant 2024/25

This is a preview of the Residential Energy Upgrade Grant 2024/25 Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Residential Energy Upgrade Grants

Program Overview

Residential Energy Upgrade Grants support body corporates in residential strata-title buildings to undertake upgrades that will improve environmental performance of existing residential buildings and work towards net-zero emissions.

The grant supports upgrade projects that relate to common areas or provide communal benefit for residential occupants.

To review the guidelines please visit the City of Perth website.

Key Dates

The City will accept applications for Residential Energy Upgrade Grants at any time, however decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis in line with budget and strategic priorities.

Residential Energy Upgrade Grants operate as exhaustive funding - where grants are allocated on an ongoing basis, provided the application meets the eligibility criteria and minimum standard in addressing the assessment criteria, until the budgeted funding is exhausted.

Applications open  1 July 2024
Application close  31 March 2025, 4pm AWST

Allow up to 8 weeks (requests up to $20,000) and 12 weeks (requests $20,001 - $25,000) to be notified of a decision.

Approved projects must be completed within 12 months of decision.

Funding Levels Available

The Residential Energy Upgrade Grant operates in three funding streams, with matched funding provided by the City.

Stream A*

Stream B

Stream C

Stream A* attracts a matched funding contribution from the City up to a maximum of $25,000.

Stream B attracts a matched funding contribution from the City up to a maximum of $10,000.

Stream C attracts a matched funding contribution from the City up to a maximum of $5,000.

For projects in residential buildings with a minimum of twenty dwellings.

For projects in residential buildings with a minimum of twenty dwellings.

For projects in residential buildings with a minimum of four dwellings.

* Stream A (only) is available for applicants that have completed and submitted the following reports:

NABERS Energy Rating which has been completed by an accredited assessor.

Type 2 Energy Audit which aligns with with AS/NZS 3598.1:2014 and has been completed by a qualified consultant.

Matched Funding

The City can provide matched funding up to 50% of the total project cost with the maximum grant value of $25,000 and the remaining amount matched by the applicant.

No. of Dwellings

Funding Stream

City of Perth contribution

Applicant matched contribution

Total project cost


Stream A*

$10,000 - $25,000

$10,000 - $25,000

$20,000 - $50,000+


Stream B

$3,000 - $10,000

$3,000 - $10,000

$6,000 - $20,000+


Stream C

$3,000 - $5,000

$3,000 - $5,000

$6,000 - $10,000+


Please note, applicants are required to submit the following documentation with this application:

  • Evidence of financial viability through a recent bank statement or annual statement.
  • A copy of the strata management agreement (applicable where a strata manager is applying on behalf of the owner’s corporation).
  • A letter from the Body Corporate which confirms prior approval for the project.
  • Minimum of two recent ‘before photographs’ of the project location.
  • Minimum of one quote from qualified contractors and / or suppliers to carry out the works.
  • A minimum of one utility bill (for each relevant utility) from within the last twelve months (required for Stream B & C only)
  • Completion of the Energy Data Sheet (available for download on the City of Perth website)
  • Stream A applicants (only) are also required to supply:

> A NABERS Energy Rating and Report which has been completed by an Accredited Assessor; and is current within the last 2 years.

> A Type 2 Energy Audit which aligns with AS/NZS 3598.1:2014; has been completed by a qualified consultant; is current within the last 5 years; and is relevant to the current energy performance of the building

Projects Supported and Not Supported

Eligible projects relate to common areas or provide communal benefit for residential occupants. Upgrades may include one or more of the following:

  • Energy efficiency: upgrades to lighting, hot water system, pumps and motors, lifts, air conditioning and ventilation, and including building tuning.
  • Electrification: replacement of gas hot water systems, space heating and cooking appliances with an energy efficient electric alternative.
  • Renewables: installation of solar photovoltaic systems and battery storage.
  • Alternatives may be considered where the applicant can demonstrate a measurable energy improvement. 

The following items are not supported under the Residential Energy Upgrade Grant program.

  • Upgrades for individual dwellings (which do not provide a communal benefit)
  • Upgrades relating to electric vehicles and charging.
  • Upgrades that do not contribute to a reduction in energy consumption and emissions i.e. switchboard upgrades, like for like replacement.
  • Replacements with gas as the primary fuel source (no new gas).
  • Administration and managing costs by the strata manager and/or body corporate.